After the success of the oral anabolic steroid Stanozolol which came in the market with the trade name Winstrol during the end of 1950’s. The company Winthrop Laboratories continues to bring the steroid in different doses and the in the year 1962 inject able Stanozolol was launched in the market with the trade name Winstrol Depot. If it is observed therapeutically it can be said that Winstrol Depot has achieved huge success but in the medical organization, the original oral form is more popular. The injections have a longer half-life but still, both the oral Winstrol and the Winstrol Depot have their use and demand in the market.
The half life of a medicine means the time the medicine will remain active in the body or system of the person taking the steroid. On the contrary, it is also the duration of the time in which detection of the presence steroid in the body is possible by the drug test. Therefore it is clear from that a steroid which has a longer half life will require a smaller amount of dosage and only one administration every day. Likewise, if anyone works with the steroids that have a shorter half life then they have to take two or more doses of the steroid to keep them active and physiologically fit throughout all the day long.
One of the most interesting things about the oral Winstrol and the Winstrol Depot is that they both have a different half life. This is the only reason behind the different use of the two. The half-life of the Winstrol pills is approximately 8 hours whereas the half-life of the Winstrol Depot is around 12 hours. These features make the injection more suitable for various individuals and for different purposes but most of the people are not aware of the existence of the different forms of the Winstrol. This concludes why most of the people take the pills twice daily rather than taking the injection once in a day. The injections have a longer half-life but still, most of the body builders prefer Winstrol injection because it is to be used with a diet which is rich in protein and the calorie content is low, moreover the appearance of the muscle becomes hard and improved. The antigenic effect of the steroid is also very less in amount.
The Winstrol injection has a distinguishable feature that makes it different from the other inject able steroid. The feature is that it can be dissolved in water while the other steroids are to be dissolved in oil rather than water. This concludes that the steroid has to be injected more frequently than the oil dissolved steroid. The best result is obtained when 50mg of the dosages is injected in the body on daily basis. The properties of the Winstrol injection are incredible and it is beneficial in various cases. It promises different benefits to the person who consumes it like giving a muscular defined body, drains excess muscle water and forms a lean body mass, and also has some effect upon the testosterone level of the body.