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Depression is a severe mood disorder, with an estimated 16 million American adults having at least one major depressive episode in the past year. It can cause sadness and a loss of interest or pleasure in things you once enjoyed. Anyone can be affected by depression, which can happen at any age, but it often begins in adulthood.

The good news is that depression is highly treatable, with 80% to 90% of people reported to respond well to treatment. Finding the right counsellor, psychotherapist, psychiatrist or psychologist who can help you understand and overcome the underlying causes of depression and develop coping strategies to deal with symptoms is the first step to feeling better.

For more mental health resources, check out our National Helpline Database.

Types of depression

What makes depression a little more complicated to understand is that not everyone can feel it. Diagnosing depression requires a complex process involving a psychiatrist, psychologist, or other mental health professionals. To be diagnosed with depression, symptoms must be present for at least two weeks.

The DSM-5, defines several types of depression, including but not limited to, major depressive disorder, persistent depressive disorder, seasonal affective disorder (depressive disorder with a seasonal pattern), postpartum depression (depression with peripartum onset) and bipolar disorder.

Depression treatment

Depression is often treated with medications called antidepressants, therapy, or a combination of the two. There are several types of antidepressant medications available. It can take some time to find the one that’s right for you, so working closely with your doctor is critical. Once you find one that works, you may notice an improvement in how you feel within a month.

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Treating depression with therapy or psychotherapy is helpful in both short-term and long-term depression. Some common evidence-based approaches include cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), interpersonal therapy (IPT), and problem-solving therapy.


Treating depression with “talk therapy” is often the first step with mild to moderate depression. Many experts will go this route before trying the medication. However, if the depression is more severe, a combination of therapy and medication may occur simultaneously. Before going any further, it is essential to understand the differences between counselling and psychotherapy.

While the two are very similar, it is essential to note that psychotherapy with a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist (MD) is sometimes viewed as more of a long-term approach that focuses on severe depression and underlying issues. Significantly affecting your life. On the other hand, counselling is seen as more of a short-term therapy (up to 6 months) that may focus more on mild to moderate depression, especially if it is a more recent problem.

Therapy for depression

While the treatment by Anti-Depressant medications has been helpful for many patients, it is not for others. The effects and side-effects of these medications make it challenging. These patients need a proven, safe depression treatment option.

Advanced TMS Therapy uses transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to target key areas of the brain that are underactive in depression. During a TMS treatment session, a magnet similar in strength to the one used in a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine is used to stimulate nerve cells in the affected area of the brain. These magnetic pulses can have a positive effect on the brain’s neurotransmitter levels, making long-term depression treatment possible without medications and side-effects.

How to find a treatment?

Finding the right psychiatrist, psychologist, or mental health expert to work with can take some time.

If you’re not sure where to look, a good place to start is with your doctor. You can also contact your nearest TMS Center by calling 888-TMS-5088 or by visiting

Another place to find referrals online is through one professional organization like the American Psychological Association or the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Many of them have online directories that allow you to search for mental health experts in your area.