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Skin is one of our sense organs and the largest organ. This is something that we have learned over the years. People constantly worry about their skin. The worries are quite common and most of them I am sure every one of you has heard of. There is a problem with dry skin. In this, flakes of dry skin keep appearing and falling off when pressure is applied or we scratch our skin or something of that sort. Then a very common worry if us, Indians, is the issue of tanning. Our skin is constantly exposed to the wrath of the sun and we are struggling with things like sunscreen and SPF marked cosmetics so as to protect our skin from the cruel sun. the next problem would be acne outbreaks. It is one of the most common problems of teenagers and even the younger generation. We survive on fast food too much and end up letting our skin face the music for it. The inflamed red spots show up on our skin and we do not leave them alone. We poke and prod till we create a prominent scar in that area which is to stay permanently.

What is a skin specialist’s job profile?

Our skin has several problems. Apart from the ones mentioned above, there are allergy outbreaks, there are several complicated diseases which cannot be solved with just lotion and a million more tougher ones that are even difficult to pronounce. There is skin literally all over the body. It is difficult to specify the exact area where skin specialists’ duties end. They are in general managing a huge sector of diseases along with the cosmetic issue of the skin.

Common conditions that are under the jurisdiction of a skin specialist

  1. Vitiligo: it is a condition where the skin starts to lose melanin and it becomes patchy. There are some patches of skin where discoloration has taken place and other patches where the skin has regained its normal color.
  2. Acne: this is the condition of the oil glands. Due to the problem with the oil glands different kinds of pimples show up and this leads to depression, sometimes low self-esteem and scarring.
  3. Dermatitis: as soon as you see the mention of ‘itis’ it means that there is swelling. This condition refers to the swelling of the skin and a sort of inflammation.
  4. Fungal infection: fungal infection is pretty common on the skin and equally difficult to get rid of. They are usually mild. People with low immunity face a serious condition of fungal infection which is caused mainly by Candida sp.
  5. Psoriasis: it is an autoimmune disorder of the skin which speeds up the formation of skin cells.
  6. Skin cancer: like any cancer skin cancer is dangerous and fatal for the patient.

Sum it up According to public reviews, inspections and overall interrogations, the best skin specialist in Ludhiana is among the ones who have a good overall score like Dr. Varun Deepak, Dr.Alka Dogra, etc.