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Many people around the world suffer from the problem of bad breath.  The condition is medically referred to as halitosis. It can be a reflection of incorrect oral health habits. Bad breath can be also caused when a person does not maintain good lifestyle habits. It means that a foul smell can be also an indication that an individual is suffering from other health problems.

A good dentist London will tell you what the major causes for bad breath are:-

Bad eating habits can lead to bad breath

A major cause of foul breath may be the type of food one consumes. Food with strong odors can leave a bad smell in your mouth. Brushing the teeth or regular flossing can alleviate the problem to some extent though it is not a permanent solution.

Improper lifestyle habits can also lead to bad breath

Make sure to lead a healthy lifestyle as a lack of it can also cause bad breath. Brushing, flossing, as well as, rinsing your mouth after every meal can ensure that food particles in your mouth get removed and harmful bacteria do not grow inside your mouth. Use a quality dental product for maintaining oral hygiene.


When a person smokes or chews tobacco-based items, it can not only leave stains in their teeth but can also lead to bad breath.

Ways to prevent bad breath

  1. Make sure to brush the teeth after every meal

Whenever you eat something, you should follow it up by brushing your teeth properly. Make sure to use fluoride-based toothpaste particularly after consuming your meals.

  1. Your tongue should be cleaned properly

Did you know that even your tongue can also contain bacteria? So, you should brush it to decrease the foul smell. You may use a tongue scraper after brushing your teeth so that harmful bacteria can be removed from the tongue.

  1. Floss regularly

When you floss your mouth daily, it can remove plaque, as well as, food items glued to the teeth. As a result, bad breath can be controlled.

  1. Your dentures should be cleaned properly

Do you wear a denture or is there a bridge in your mouth? Make sure to clean them daily and follow the directions of your dentist while doing so. In case a person uses a mouth guard, it should be cleaned every time before placing it in the mouth. They should consult their dentist for using a good cleaning product.

  1. Take a close look at your diet

Try to stay away from food items that generate a strong and unpleasant smell. Also, avoid food items with a lot of sugar in them as that can cause foul breath too.

While all these are good oral practices to follow, you should also visit a reputable dentist regularly for consultation and necessary treatment.