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Beautiful! Is what every woman wants to look and feel? It is their biggest dream. While some are born with flawless skin and hair others aren’t that gifted but that doesn’t mean you stop dreaming of being beautiful. Nowadays with a lot of salons and parlours starting up its quite easy to pamper yourself with a makeover but don’t forget that is no substitute to natural products and of the magical effect on your skin. Using natural beauty products can leave your skin flawless keeping it hydrated for days making you feel beautiful from within. With a lot of beauty magazines doing their rounds in the market in the world where internet is so active it is easier to follow some simple steps to get your dream skin and look cheerful, jolly and youthful forever.

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While a beauty magazines are mostly in English it is a bit difficult for people who want to read it in Hindi. So now it is also possible to get beauty tips in Hindi language from certain magazines, online blogs and channels. Here are some tips which are a key to your flawless skin.

Drink plenty of water- remember keeping yourself hydrated is a must for a better skin and hair. If your body is deprived of water and goes dry it will immediately have an effect on your skin and hair making it look dull, flaky, saggy and loose.

Eat foods that are rich in antioxidants and vitamins- antioxidants shields our body to fight against the various diseases and even controls ageing of skin. Some of best examples of antioxidants and that you must include in your diet are blueberries, spinach, nuts, seeds, dark chocolate and organic tea or green tea. This helps in the wear and tear procedure of the skin that keeps happening leaving your skin look ever glowing and hair look shiny and lustrous.

Fruits- Fruits that are citrus and rich in vitamin C can greatly bestow your skin and hair as the citric acid present in sweet limes, oranges and grapefruits are natural anti-ageing elements preventing the skin from wrinkles and also prevents early greying of hair.

This was about the diet that you should follow in order to look beautiful now there are certain natural elements that one should apply at least once a week for that glamourous look always. All these are available in various magazines and also as beauty care in Hindi in some online sites but to here are few must do beauty tips for you all. Firstly, never wear you’re make up to bed, you should always use a cleanser and a toner to remove you’re make up and later apply some moisture or a aloevera gel to keep your skin soft and hydrated. Secondly, once a week you should make a face pack with ingredients like haldi, honey, milk, rice flour as all of these are natural cleansers and would cleanse your skin from the core and leave it baby soft. For long, shiny hair you can apply egg hair mask or aloe vera gel mixed with coconut oil, leave both of these in your hair for 30-40 minutes then wash well with shampoo. Follow these simple beauty tips for looking beautiful and gorgeous always.