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Modern science and innovative technologies have brought innumerable comforts in life of people living in the present time. The multiple gadgets, connectivity and appliances have made the life many times easier when you compare it with even just a few decades back. However, one problem that is seriously challenging the humanity today is health. The rising incidences of “lifestyle diseases” like diabetes, hypertension, obesity etc are indeed a major cause of concern. Medical practitioners and experts have concluded that sedentary lifestyle is one of the principal causes for the rise in such diseases and every individual should adopt some form of physical exercise regime like Northern Beaches yoga on a regular basis to remain fir and healthy for long years.

Yoga exercises are being strongly advocated by wellness experts and health specialists. The best thing about yoga exercises remains its simplicity. It is easy to learn and practice. It is not very strenuous hence people of all ages and types can easily adopt. One does not require any treadmills or workbenches but only a simple mat on the floor will suffice. It can be done indoor as well as outdoors. It will be interesting to note that yoga exercises are not modern inventions but have existed for thousands of years in India. In the last few decades, scientists from the western world have conducted thorough clinical research works on different aspects of yoga exercises and have concluded that it is very effective natural way to maintain fitness and even recuperate from many diseases.

Northern Beaches Yoga School in Australia has been propagating the benefits of yoga techniques for many years. The teachers here are highly knowledgeable about the subject and provide extensive assistance to yoga aspirants coming here. Thousands of people across Australia have taken authentic training of yoga techniques at Northern Beaches Yoga School over the years and are enjoying good health.

Yoga techniques comprise of numerous physical postures called asanas in Sanskrit. There are scores of postures mentioned in the classical yoga texts and each posture has been given a specific name like Surya Namaskar (Salutation to Sun God), Padmasana (the Lotus Posture), Sarvangasana (All Body Posture) etc. Each of these postures stimulates certain body organs and restores the vitality of the cells in those organs. Some yoga postures are aimed to release the mental stress and bring down anxiety levels which also are very useful to overall wellness.

It is not possible and neither necessary for an individual to perform all the postures every day. Every individual has to judiciously select the postures that will be most helpful to the aspirant and one should seek the recommendations from experts in the subject. At Northern Beaches Yoga School, the teachers will carefully assess your health condition and medical history while advising you the set of postures that you should practice every day. Besides, they will also demonstrate and train you on the right techniques so that you can get best results from your efforts.

Preety Rani

Article is published on this site by Preety who is an employee at Tablet Hire which is ipad hire company in the United Kingdom.