Dentists’ Recommendations for Preventing Tooth Decay in Children
Early teeth decay is one of the most significant diseases in dentistry for children. Due to the low age of children, the treatment process is complicated. Family environment and oral hygiene are essential. Tooth decay is possible at an early age because the baby is unable to clean his teeth. Children under the age of two are more prone to tooth decay because they are breastfeeding while sleeping, which causes the milk to remain on the baby’s teeth, especially the maxillary front teeth, over time due to the activity of germs and bacteria the tooth will be decayed. Parents are advised to clean their children’s teeth with a sterile wet bandage every time the baby is breastfed.

Factors That Cause Tooth Decay in Children
A) Parents do not clean their children’s teeth
B) Using improper nutrition: Use a glass of milk or other beverages to feed the children while they are sleeping, and also breastfeeding at night
C) Decreased salivation while sleeping
D) In some cases, the child’s parents have decayed teeth that can be transferred to the child’s mouth if left untreated.
E) The use of inappropriate snacks that cause tooth decay
F) Parents’ unawareness of the methods of prevention and regular visiting to the pediatric dentist for a child dental examination
G) Use of sugar to sweeten liquids and milk

Methods for Preventing Tooth Decay
1. If parents have decayed teeth, they should restore and take care of them because bacteria and germs transfer from their mouths to the baby’s mouths.
2. When the baby still has no teeth, you should clean the baby’s gums with sterile gas every time you breastfeed.
3. After each breastfeeding baby, you should give the baby some water to clear the milk that remains in the baby’s mouth.
4. Provide a toothbrush when the child can brush his or her teeth.
5. Before the age of one, take your child to an emergency dental clinic to prevent tooth decay.
6. Eat low-sugar fruits, vegetables, and foods in your children’s snack
7. Use a regular and proper nutrition plan for your children
8. Prevent your children from eating harmful foods such as sweets, chips, etc.
9. Try to persuade your child who is between the ages of 12 to 14 months to use glass instead of milk glass to drink milk and liquids.
10. Try to reduce breastfeeding at night.
11. At the age of 3 to 6 years, a child should use a toothbrush to clean his or her teeth.
12. At the age of 1.5 to 3 years, because their child is unable to clean their teeth, parents use a small toothbrush to clean their child’s tooth.

It should be emphasized that if there is early deciduous tooth loss, space should be preserved by the preservation space; otherwise, the movement of adjacent teeth will reduce the area of the permanent tooth and will require long-term orthodontic treatment. Up to the age of 6 years, eight former deciduous teeth should remain; the other 12 deciduous teeth should remain up to 12 years old. Always keep the right patterns for your child concerning oral hygiene and regular visits to pediatric dentist. For more information, visit our website on Toronto dentist office