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Glass Board vs. Traditional White Board – What is the Better Choice?

By July 18, 2019No Comments

If you happen to work in a school or office, then you will know that this is a major debate. Be it a school or business, it is a significant decision to make for most entities that use any writing surfaces on a regular basis. The choice between a whiteboard and a glass writing board is similar to the one that many of us had to make back in the day when the whiteboard was the new in-thing. That was when black chalkboards ruled the roost and whiteboards arrived on the scene to gradually put an end to their hegemony. 

Glass boards are now doing something similar to whiteboards. It looks as if we are at the beginning of another major revolution in the writing board industry, and high-quality glass boards are driving this latest innovation.

In this piece, we will outline the major differences between a whiteboard and a glass board. We will also talk about which one will be a better choice for you about the future. So, without further ado, let’s get going. 

What is the Glass Board?

As the name suggests, a glass boards has a writing screen made up of glass. The finesse, shine, and smooth finish of the glass make such boards unique with a great visual appeal and aesthetic quality. Other than a few exceptions, most glass boards have a transparent screen with a colored background. This not only improves visibility but also adds to the overall beauty of the whole thing. Consequently, there are glass boards in different colors to choose from. 

A congregation of bright-colored glass boards can make the environment very attractive and lively. Nevertheless, it is better to have a transparent or pastel-hued glass boards for office as it will be more suitable for regular use in enclosed cabin spaces. 

Like whiteboards, glass boards are also available in various sizes. This offers you the freedom to choose the perfect size according to your needs. Such an advanced board offers a more simplistic and tidy usage experience compared to other writing surfaces. The timeless presence of a glass board also adds more grace and class to your surroundings. 

Anyone who has used a glass board will agree that the experience of writing on glasshas its own joy because of the ease and neatness it offers. 

Now that you understand what a glass board really is, let’s check out some of the advantages they can offer. There are so many reasons that make glass boards a better choice compared to conventional whiteboards.

Preety Rani

Article is published on this site by Preety who is an employee at Tablet Hire which is ipad hire company in the United Kingdom.