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Everyone likes to think that the workplace is strictly for professionalism. You may even try to forgo personal matters when you are at work temporarily. However, not only are these behaviours common, but they are also psychologically healthy. Humans are social creatures. Regardless of the context, whether it is at home or in the office, you engage in social interactions. Of course, in the office, most of the interactions are about work, like project progress, updates, and deadlines.

However, in between the professional talk are bits and pieces of banter, venting, and sharing stories. Such interactions can spontaneously happen in any gathering. Likewise, any gathering, whether it is an office meeting or party, would go better with food. Thus, you can choose a catering service like Mr T’s Bakery to elevate the experience and fuel you and your coworkers throughout the day.

Why Get Catering For Work

In Queensland, Australia, the average full-time worker spends 40.2 hours per week at work. However, this does not include the time Australians use to do things for work, such as commuting. In total, the average Australian will have about 4 hours of leisure time for the whole week. Thus, work takes a significant amount of time. Within that time, workers will not always be pushing pencils or crunching numbers. At some point, they have to eat, such as for lunch. Instead of eating alone in their cubicle, they can take that time to share a meal.

Social meals tend to take longer than eating alone because in between bites, people converse. Those conversations have powerful social effects. It can strengthen workplace social relationships. People tend to share stories, build rapport, and connect more over a meal. Moreover, having a meal among people who do not know each other allows for networking opportunities. A study among firefighters found that eating together fosters more cooperation and collaboration. Thus, a catering service can serve as the medium for workers to either strengthen their relationships or build new ones.

Getting Catering for Work

At work, you may already be researching finance or marketing. You may not have the time or the patience to prepare meals for a team meeting, let alone a corporate event. This situation is where getting a catering service in melbourne will make things easier. Being in charge of the food that everyone else will eat and enjoy can make a great impression for you. It shows that you are a team player and are willing to take more responsibilities. After all, food preparation is an unlikely responsibility in your job description.

When getting a catering service, consider the occasion. Is it something formal, like a corporate gala where groups of people sit in separate tables with their plates full of food? Or is it a small relaxed team meeting? If it is the latter, then a catering service like Mr T’s Bakery can offer finger food like wraps or sandwiches that would be appropriate. If it is a Friday, you can also throw in some cupcakes in there for good measure. If it is someone’s birthday, what better way to surprise your coworker than with cake?

You should also consider the dietary choices of your attendees. Some may not have the stomach for gluten or dairy, while others are vegetarian or vegan. Thus, choose a catering service like Mr T’s Bakery is ideal, which offers diversity in its menu to accommodate special dietary requirements. However small the gathering may be, it will always be better when you have good food. Choose a catering service that will fuel you and your coworkers through a hectic day.