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Palliative care is given to a patient having some life-limiting illness. A cancer patient receiving palliative care learns to manage the symptom of the disease and possible side-effects. This care is given to provide relief from pain and discomfort caused by cancer and other serious illnesses. You might have heard of something called symptom management, comfort care or supportive care.  

A cancer patient is most likely to suffer from pain, fatigue, nausea, shortness of breath and a few other symptoms. It is not easy for a cancer patient to manage the stress of this deadly disease. So, palliative care not only handles the symptoms of cancer but the emotional side as well.

In addition to the medicine, a cancer patient getting palliative care services in Michigan gets physical therapy and nutrition therapy. The treatment also includes deep breathing and some other relaxation techniques. This might also include emotional and spiritual counseling and help to deal with legal, employment or insurance issues. The caregiver assists the patient in taking important decisions related to the treatment. The family and friends of the patient also learn how they can support the patient. 

Getting Palliative Care

It might be the part of the supportive care the patient is receiving. In case it isn’t, the patient can find a palliative care hospital in Grand Blanc. There are more than one experts involved in palliative care including:

  • Physical therapist  
  • Pharmacists
  • Social workers
  • Mental health professionals
  • Chaplains
  • Registered dietitians

So, we can say that there is a team working with the patient and the same team also works with the patient’s doctor. It is the doctor who tells how to manage pain and other symptoms.

What are the right time and right place for getting palliative care?

It is in the best interest of the patient and the family of the patient if the care is started as soon as after the diagnosis. This care can be given through all stages of cancer and cancer treatment. It depends on the type of palliative care the patient needs. The patient can get this care in his own home, in a cancer center, in doctor’s office or in a palliative care hospital in Grand Blanc. The patient can also find some dedicated palliative care facilities in Michigan.        

How is palliative care helpful for a cancer patient?

The cancer patient getting palliative care gets relief from nausea, pain, depression, shortness of breath and other symptoms of the disease. The patient needs not to spend much time in intensive care. This also reduces the likelihood of going back into the hospital. When paired with the cancer treatment, this care helps in living a better quality of life.

So, find a palliative care hospital in Grand Blanc and help a cancer patient in living a better and stress-free life.

Preety Rani

Article is published on this site by Preety who is an employee at Tablet Hire which is ipad hire company in the United Kingdom.