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7 Effective Lifestyle Changes to Stop Snoring

By November 22, 2018No Comments

If you are a snorer, then you are not alone. There are quite a few nocturnal noises that you are not able to control like the howling of a neighbour’s dog or the volume of a passing car.

But fortunately, you can turn the volume down of one of the most disturbing noises which happens to be your snoring.

Here are some of the simple lifestyle tweaks that can help you to put under control the gasps and snorts of snoring that can keep both you and your partner awake night after night.

As opposed to the consumer anti-snoring remedies, these are simple life-style changes that not only are devoid of side-effects but also induce overall betterment of your health apart from assisting in controlling your snoring.

  • Lose Weight – You should work towards losing weight if you are overweight. This will decrease the amount of tissue in the throat which is responsible for creating the unfriendly sounds of snoring. You should have more proteins and fewer calories and work out on a daily basis in order to lose as much weight as possible.
  • Uplift Your Sleeping Position – Sleeping on your back can lead to snoring although this position can be very comfortable. This happens because when your body remain s in this position your tongue easily collapses back which partially blocks the airways. Prior to drifting off to sleep you should turn on the side. But if you still find that you wake up on your back you can apply this tried-and-tested trick. You can Velcro or sew a tennis ball on the rear side of the pajama that you are wearing. This will pressurise your spine when you roll on your back. This is going to make you remain on the side-sleeping position all the time.
  • Shut the Mouth – We are created in a way that we are supposed to breathe through the nose. If you are sleeping with the mouth wide open, then the incoming air actually hits the soft tissues at the back of the throat and leads to vibration as a result of which the characteristic noise is created. Over 40 percent of the adults snore while over 20 percent of them smoke on a regular basis and the main reason for this is the mouth breathing. Around 10 percent of the kids snore, too, often due to the enlarged adenoids. By the age of the 7 years these adenoids shrink. Though the kids eventually grow out of snoring, in case of the adults this condition gets worse with time. You can try to keep the mouth shut with a chin strap that loops around the chin and head or use a mouthguard to refrain from mouth breathing.
  • Open the Nasal Passages – Keeping the nasal passages open can help if the snoring starts in your nose. This allows the air to move through slower. Think about a narrow garden hose and water gushing out of it. The narrower the hose the faster the water will move. A hot shower just before retiring to the bed can help to open nasal passages. You should also rinse out your nose while you are showering to open the passages. You can use a neti pot to rinse the nasal passages with a solution of salt-water.
  • Stop Smoking – In general, smoking happens to be an unhealthy habit. Smoking gives rise to nasal congestion that is one of the main reasons for snoring. So in order to get rid of this habit you have to stop smoking.
  • Limit Alcohol Consumption – The consumption of alcohol can relax the muscles that cause you to snore. So at least a couple of hours prior to bedtime you should avoid drinking alcohol.
  • Stay Hydrated – Not drinking ample amount of water can aggravate the habit of snoring as it can irritate the throat tissues. The mucus in the airways is also thickened by dehydration making the surfaces to stick together causing snoring from obstructions. Snoring can be controlled by something as simple as keeping yourself hydrated.

The above are some of the effective lifestyle changes that can act as side-effect-free snoring treatments. These can help you to control your snoring without harming your body or making a dent in your pocket.

Preety Rani

Article is published on this site by Preety who is an employee at Tablet Hire which is ipad hire company in the United Kingdom.