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There are several very expensive and some pretty affordable treatment options available to cancer patients. Traditional therapies for cancer are pretty expensive and risky as well. Alternative therapies for cancer such as alkaline diet for cancer are the treatments that a cancer patient can easily afford. And, the risk of side-effects and complications is also low. These therapies can also be combined with traditional therapies for fast and effective results.

However, why get this disease or any other disease in the first place? Let’s follow the one good and successful mantra for good health- Prevention is better than cure. In this article, we are sharing some useful yet very effective tips for minimizing the risk of cancer.

Say no to tobacco

No matter what type of tobacco you are using, you are actually asking for this disease. There are different types of cancer linked to smoking. These forms of cancer include lung, throat, mouth, larynx, pancreas, cervix, bladder and kidney cancer. Chewing tobacco causes oral cavity and pancreas cancer. The risk of skin cancer is increased when you are exposed to secondhand smoking. So, avoid using tobacco in any form.                   

Eat a healthy diet

A cancer cell creates an acidic environment around itself. So, creating an alkaline environment around the cells can prevent the growth of cancer cells and even kill cancer cells. There is special cancer therapy in which a cancer patient is given an alkaline diet. This is therapy is known as Alkaline diet for cancer.

  • Eat fruits and vegetables

Alkaline diet for cancer consists of many cancer-fighting foods including both vegetables and fruits. Grains, beans and other foods from plant sources are also very beneficial for your health.

  • Avoid foods causing obesity

Avoid high-calorie foods such as fat from animal sources and refined sugars. These foods increase the risk of obesity.

  • Avoid drinking alcohol

There is a limit to everything. Alcohol abuse is not good for you as it can increase the risk of different types of cancer including lung, liver, kidney, breast and colon cancer.

  • Limit processed meats intake

The cancer agency of the WHO, the International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that processed meats intake in large amounts can increase the risk of some types of cancers.   

Be physically active to maintain a healthy weight

This can minimize the risk of cancers including breast, lung, prostate, colon and kidney cancer.

Avoid sun

One of the most common types of cancer, skin cancer can be easily prevented. You can do this by:

  • Avoiding midday sun
  • Staying in the shade
  • Covering exposed areas
  • Using sunscreens
  • Avoiding tanning beds

Get vaccinated

Protection from some viral infections can also curtail the risk of cancer. Get vaccinations for:

  • Hepatitis B (increases the risk of liver cancer)
  • Human papillomavirus (a sexually transmitted virus known for causing cervical and other genital cancers) 

Avoid risky behaviors

Some infections can increase the risk cancers and you can prevent this from happening by avoiding risky behaviors.

  • Practice safe sex (avoid HIV or HPV which can increase the risk of lung, anus and liver cancers)
  • Avoid sharing needles (sharing needles can cause hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV which increases the risk of liver cancer)
Preety Rani

Article is published on this site by Preety who is an employee at Tablet Hire which is ipad hire company in the United Kingdom.