Cholesterol is a building block for keeping the cells flexible, producing hormones and digestive acids. However, excessive cholesterol creates problems in the body. It can cause the risk of heart attack and heart diseases. Although medication can help you reduce cholesterol in your body, it is advisable to consider the heart-healthy lifestyle changes.
Food plays a big role in managing cholesterol and heart health. Poor eating habits can cause weight gain, which can lead to a rise of unhealthy lower-density lipoproteins and lower the level of high-density lipoproteins. This situation can cause high risks in your body. But the good this is, you can easily control the risk with these five tips:
ü Consume only healthy and balanced diet food
The main cause of high blood cholesterol is consuming saturated fat and trans fat. The saturated fat is primarily found in animal products such as meat and cheese, while the trans-fat are mostly found in baked goods. Healthy food is very beneficial for health. If you want to know what to eat in lunch you can take a healthy packed lunch idea from various sites.
Diet is the key to a healthy body. Therefore, it is crucial to consume plenty of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Also, consider the lower fat daily products or meals with no added sugar. To satisfy your thirst, drink lower fat plain milk or water.
ü Engage in physical activities
Exercise is the key to a healthy body. It does not only boost physical fitness but also help in improving your cholesterols. Regular exercise can help to raise the levels of high-density lipoproteins “the good cholesterol” and lower the levels of lower-density lipoproteins. Thus, it is recommendable to engage in the activities that you enjoy most, such as jogging, riding, swimming, or walking.
ü Manage your weight
Weight gain leads to high cholesterol. It is, therefore, necessary to work hard on losing pounds. Reducing weight can help to lower your LDL and raise the HDL, which prevents cholesterol from building up in the arteries.
Burning more calories than you consume can help you lose weight and lower your BMI. Your diet can significantly help to lose weight. All you need is to do away with sugary beverages and switch to tap water. Also, incorporating more activities into your daily routine can play a big role in weight management. For instance, you can opt to walk down the stairs instead of using the elevator.
ü Avoid smoking
Smoking causes lots of problems in the body. It affects the blood vessels and lowers the high-density lipoproteins. This can lead to heart diseases and change how the body handles cholesterol. Also, it narrows the blood vessels, making it difficult for the immune cells of the smoker to return cholesterol from vessel walls to the blood.
ü Consider supplements
Some supplements play a crucial role in improving cholesterol and heart health. For instance, fish oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Consuming little amount can help to reduce the fat that is being carried in the blood.
At times exercising and dieting are not enough to lower cholesterol. In such a case, it is advisable to opt for medication. Several drugs can be prescribed by the doctor to lower the LDL levels. However, it is crucial to continue with your healthy lifestyle changes to keep your medication dose low.