Vaporizers are replacing traditional joints and cigarettes throughout the world because they are hassle-free and safe to consume. Whether you are a beginner or an expert smoker, vapes imply minimal impact on health because its smoke doesn’t involve charcoal and also very emit less harmful chemicals. Currently, the market is full of distinctive models of vapes that sometimes confuse while buying. As the technology evolves, their functioning also attains advancement. Nowadays, smart vapes embedded with sensors are available in the market that automatically switches on without requiring any button. Some devices are meant for vaping liquid, whereas others for dry ingredients like bud or wax concentrate. On the basis of functionality, there are five types of vaporizers that you can buy from a local or online store. Take a close look.
Types of vapes
1.) E-liquid vaporizer
This is the most popular device in the vaporizer’s market that comes in distinctive shapes, sizes & lifespans. Some of them are disposable after emptying whereas others last longer than a year. This kind of vape involves a battery, atomizer & liquid that emit smoke. The battery supply power to the coil that heats up to diffuse the oil for inhaling purpose.
2) Herb vape
For those who smoke the buds of marijuana, this is a revolutionary product. There is no need to arrange a rolling paper and special skills to roll it properly. Bud lovers simply put their stuff in a ceramic or quartz heating chamber of the vaporizer. Heating coil increases the temperature inside the chamber that results in smoke emission. There are further two kinds of herb vapes, i.e. conduction and convection. In conduction, ingredients, e liquid are heated up directly to produce a consistent amount of steamy vapors. On the other hand, convection method involves hot air circulation that doesn’t require any combustion. Consequently, the smoker gets a less harmful puff of intoxication.
3) Portable models
These are the smallest models of vaporizers that are easy to carry in your pocket. The user can enjoy a puff of his/her favorite cannabis flavor anywhere on the go. Generally, they come in the shapes of traditional cigarette or pen. These tiny devices involve a rechargeable battery, vapor tank & atomizer. Apart from this, you also need separate mouthpieces for inhaling purpose. Vaping in cold temperature requires a wide mouthpiece whereas, in hot regions, you can use a narrow vaping attachment.
4) Desktop vape models
If you want to enjoy some shots of cannabinoid while relaxing somewhere, desktop models of da buddha vaporizer are one of the best accessories to buy. As the name is illustrating, they are then bigger in size and consumable by multiple users. The desktop vapes are further of 2 types, i.e. whip style and forced air. You can consider whip style vape as an electronic version of hookah whereas a forced air has some advancements to provide you with a much richer experience. This device is equipped with a fan for circulating hot air to produce the vaping element. This air is further collected in a ballon that you can inhale for getting high.
5) Wax Vaporizer
Apart from bud and oils, cannabis is also smokeable through its concentrated wax. This is one of the highest doses of cannabis even much stronger than THC fluids. There are special dabbing pens for vaping the wax concentrate. A used da buddha vaporizer and other equivalent devices produce smoke-free vapors from wax to provide you the purest experience.
From these five options, people can easily choose a perfect device according to stuff that they usually consume. However, keep one thing in mind that inhale with responsibility because vapes provide a smooth shot of intoxication that beginners underestimate while using for the first time.