The back pain is a real public health issue: 8 out of 10 French are concerned. It’s even the leading cause of disability for adults over 45!
The latter is the most common, accounting for 90% of cases. According to a study published in March 2014 in the British Medical Journal, low back pain is also the leading cause of disability in the world and would also cause 30% of work stoppages – especially at home.
How to prevent neck pain?
Who is concerned? People who work all day in front of a computer can develop localized pain in the upper part of the spine: it is neck pain. In question: bad posture repeated daily! If neck pain becomes chronic, it can be accompanied by sleep disturbances or headaches.
- The advice of the orthopedic spine surgeon
Stretch your spine at the end of the day, especially if you have a very sedentary lifestyle. For this, a little exercise: sit back straight, and lean your head forward, as if to kiss your sternum (look to make a double-chin!). Then put your hands on the top of your skull and press gently, without forcing. Hold for at least 30 seconds.
- In everyday life, avoid handbags across the shoulder: choose the backpacks that best distribute the load. Also be careful if you are addicted to your Smartphone: tilting your head constantly (for texting, for example) promotes neck pain.
- In the evening, if you read in your bed (or if you are watching a series), absolutely avoid sitting with your head bent forward.
- In the office, try to optimize your workstation: the screen must be in front of your eyes. Also do stretching every hour, for example by “rolling” your head (gently!), Clockwise and counterclockwise.
How to prevent back pain?
Who is concerned? Again, it is the sedentary people who are most at risk of developing pain between the neck and the bottom of the coast: age, lack of physical activity, overweight, stress … are factors aggravating. To prevent pain, it is essential to do muscle building exercises.
- The advice of theorthopedic spine surgeon
Stretch your spine and your back muscles at the end of the day – and wake up, if you have restless nights! For this, an exercise: put yourself in a squatting position, the buttocks on the heels, the back straight. Then, on the exhalation, put your hands on the ground and extend your arms as far forward as possible. Hold the position for at least 30 seconds.
- If you have a drawbar, hang for 1 min: it is an ultra-effective exercise proposed by the physiotherapists. And it also works with a curtain rod (if it is strong enough!) Or a door jamb.
- Practice muscle building exercises specifically focused on the back muscles. The swimming is a sport highly recommended: it helps build muscle back … not brutalize her joints.
- At the end of the day, you can also practice breathing exercises, which promote the relaxation of the back muscles.
How to prevent low back pain?
Who is concerned? This is the most common back pain since the lumbar vertebrae are constantly solicited. The low back pain affects men and women, children, the elderly. Pain can be caused by a host of factors: poor posture, underdeveloped muscles but also gynecological problems, poorly cared sprain, overweight.
- The advice of the orthopedic spine surgeon
If you sometimes feel it “pulls” down your back, practice this exercise daily, morning and evening: lying on your back, bring your knees to your chest and breathe deeply. Hold for at least 30 seconds, then release.
- When you are about to carry a heavy load (a cardboard, a child, a shopping bag) remember to bend your knees during the descent. The muscle that connects the thigh to the trunk and is frequently responsible for low back pain.
- To avoid low back pain, it is essential to tone the muscles of the abdominal belt. Indeed, they support the viscera: if they are too relaxed, they “shoot” on the back. To strengthen them, the exercise of the board (sheathing) is effective, for at least 45 seconds each day.