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The Most Common Tools Used By All Professional Linemen

By February 7, 2018No Comments

A lineman can be called a power line technician, and their work is challenging. Setting up and maintaining telephone lines and electric power poles is, their normal job. Nevertheless, their responsibilities sometimes extend to installing and maintaining cable TV and transmission lines. A lineman is responsible for outdoor installation and maintenance jobs. Those that perform similar functions in homes are electricians. As a lineman, you know it’s impossible to work without your tools. Here are some of the most common tools they all use.

Cable strippers

Cable strippers are tools that are commonly used by linemen. Cables and wires are covered with insulating materials to safeguard the wires against natural elements. In electrical wires, such insulations prevent electrical conduction, thereby safeguarding all those handling the wires. Nevertheless, during wire maintenance or installation, the cables or wire might need to be ‘peeled’. Linemen use wire strippers, whose only function is to remove the insulation that’s covering the wires. A cable stripping tool can remove the cable’s sheath covering. There are varying types of cable strippers, but they all basically execute the same tasks.


These are the normal tool that linemen use most regularly. According to NJAT (National Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee), pliers happen to be the most commonly used in transmission and power lines installation as well as maintenance. The amazing tool is use for gripping, bending, and pulling materials like electrical cables and wires. There are also a couple of types of pliers you can easily buy, like purchasing linesman pliers online. Every type of pliers is used for particular purposes. For example, long-nosed ones are valuable when working cables that are situated in tight places. The narrow and long pliers are also used in working small wires. There are also heavy-duty pliers, which feature a powerful grip, for cutting thick wires.


These always come in truly handy, because they are utilized not only by linemen but by all handymen too. Screwdrivers are very invaluable tools that are used by professional electricians and linemen and they also feature insulated handles. The insulation of the handles is meant to safeguard the experts against professional accidents like electrocution. Generally, there are varying types of screwdrivers that are used by every professional. This is because a single type only is truly insufficient. And this in turn is because screws come in varying types and sizes too.

Other tools

In addition to these three mentioned tools, other vital ones used by linemen are, wrenches, hammers, measuring tools, sockets, and knives. Linemen must carry these tools around on their body to enjoy convenience while doing their work. When brought together in one place, they can be truly bulky. On the other hand, these tools are basically easy to use and quite essential to the lineman’s job as well as that of technicians and electricians.

The job of all the professionals mentioned in this article needs safety precautions. In addition to tools like lineman pliers that have been mentioned, the experts must be properly attired for work. Protective gear might not necessarily be taken to be tools; nonetheless, they are relevant for the worker’s safety. These include protective glasses, safety harnesses, hats, gloves, and safety boots.

Preety Rani

Article is published on this site by Preety who is an employee at Tablet Hire which is ipad hire company in the United Kingdom.

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