A Civil law lawyer is known to handle the cases for those defendants who stand accused under the law when they commit a state or federal crime. Crimes are defined as the public wrongdoings that are not encouraged and prohibited by the government. On the other hand, the civil lawyer can be considered to be representing different cases types which are not termed as ‘criminal’ in particular. The reason behind this is the judiciary is branched into two types: the criminal justice system and the civil justice system. The civil justice system will not come under criminal justice system.
The civil law is a broad area, which can be further divided into 4 main branches: property law, contract law, personal injury law, and family law. It is quite a common scenario when the criminal defence lawyer practices law in one or more civil areas owing to its vast and wide scope. When it is necessary to sue someone, we call a civil lawyer. The purpose of civil lawyers is the same as hiring defence attorneys and prosecutors in no-criminal litigations.
One of the vital branches in civil law is Defamation lawyers Perth. It is the segment of law which can be related to the reputation of a person. If the party is termed guilty of hurting the reputation of the other party, then defamation laws are applicable to them. Once proved guilty, the judiciary will sue them and a hefty fine can be imposed.
What are the responsibilities of a civil lawyer?
Once a plaintiff or a defendant has hired a civil attorney, that attorney will take over the litigation. Although he has to defer to their client on many possible questions such as whether they can accept a settlement offer, the attorney is in charge of the tasks, such as:
- Interviewing everyone involved to build the case.
- Presenting the case before a jury or a judge.
- Negotiating a settlement with the attorneys of the other side.
- Taking depositions from the witnesses.
- Hiring the expert witnesses.
- Communicating with the other party’s attorneys and the court.
- File motions, briefs, and other documents, as and when needed.
- Serve discovery requests on the other party, in which they are asking for specific information. In a divorce case, discovery involves would involve the spouses list their financial resources as well as the assets.
Difference between Civil lawyers and Criminal lawyers
To put it in simple words, the criminal lawyers deal with the actions or behaviour that are considered to be harmful to the society and the community. On contrary, civil laws are applicable while you are dealing with disputes between the individual parties.
Specializations for Civil Lawyers
Civil law covers a broad spectrum of subjects such as:
- Real estate law
- Personal injury law
- Landlord/tenant law
- Divorce attorneys
- Toxic torts, which involves litigation overexposure to asbestos and such other dangerous substances
- Contract law
- Gay rights’ attorneys.
Most civil attorneys are known to specialize in a single field or in a number of other related fields. For example, they might be experts in handling building disputes. There are many such building disputes solicitors in Perth.
Some (if not many) businesses are finding it comfortable and cheaper to set up their in-house legal staffs instead of paying an outside attorney and providing them with the commission. The thing is you have to choose the right attorney with experience and expertise in handling the cases. Nowadays, civil attorneys are known to find employment with insurers, banks, as well as health care providers and many such businesses.
All legal cases are on the basis of conflicts. But the bad news in criminal cases is that it could bring you some serious consequences when you are convicted. You are in need of the kind of well-experienced defence lawyer in your locality. If you are looking for civil lawyers or commercial lawyers in Perth, then you should interview them and make sure that you are comfortable around them.
The fact is that a single, life-changing event might turn into a criminal case or a civil case. In such cases, the civil lawyers have to know how to handle the cases and save you from being termed guilty. You have to choose the right lawyer who has the expertise and knowledge in this field. They must be aware of your local law. They must definitely be very much capable of presenting and handling the case wisely in front of the judicial system. Only then you will emerge safely from the case. Hence it is extremely vital to choose and decide on the right law attorneys who can handle your case in the right manner.
There are many civil lawyers in Perth working at who can take up the cases and handle it well. Get in touch with them, after making sure that they are the right choice for your judicial case.