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Consider a situation. Suppose you are walking down the street and you have no data on your device, you need to access the net urgently! What you will do then? Have you heard of Psiphon handler Apk? It lets you to connect the internet without incurring any cost at anytime and anywhere. It is possible that sometimes you may not have any balance in your android phone or don’t have the access to your Wi-Fi, then Psiphon handler can come to your rescue! With the help of Psiphon handler Apk you can access the unlimited internet and browse all the resources at free of cost.Psiphon handler Apk is a private virtual network that access the internet by sending and receiving data across shared or public networks. Using Psiphon handler Apk we not only connect to the free internet but able to access websites which are blocked by networks. So Psiphon handler Apk is a great gadget to be around!

What is Psiphon handler Apk?

It is the best tool to access the open internet. It is a network bypassing device that is used to browse free contents from the internet.It is created and innovated by Psiphon .Inc. It uses a set of networks namely SSH, VPN and HTTP proxy server to connect to the internet. A good feature of Psiphon that counts- is that it is used to access censorship suffered networks. So it can be used in those countries where the freedom of expression is negotiated. This feature of Psiphon is awesome and this gadget is used by thousands to connect to the free net.

How Psiphon functions?

With the start of Psiphon application all the servers are connected to it. What it basically does is –circumvents blocked ISPs and network of proxies. Suppose you are in the library of a college and Facebook is blocked in the college Wi-Fi. So through Psiphon, you can access Facebook or any other social media websites.If any network or ISPs find that you are using Psiphon application then they will mark you and tend to block you. In this situation, it will detect this attempt by a network and automatically switch to a SOCKS proxy over an SHH tunnel, an SSL proxy connection. Thus Psiphon will become invisible to the network and they will fail to block it. Psiphon has its own version of browser- which it uses to access the open net. This browser may not be as good as other browsers in the market but its functionality is all right.

Is it right to use Psiphon?

No, I don’t think there is any risk in using Psiphon. It is just a virtual network application. It allows access to web content over a secure tunnel. Thus we can access the web without any cost. Moreover Psiphon allows us to access the blocked websites and web content. So it is a great tool for some people. But this device can be also used for terror activities. The terrorist can connect to the internet from anywhere.Another thing about Psiphon is that – it keeps the identity of the user hidden. Therefore psiphon can be used in wrong way.

User settings- Psiphon handler Apk

  • Always remember this application doesn’t any root folder.
  • You can use this application on a 3G or 4G device.
  • Download Psiphon hander Apk, install it and launch it on your system.
  • Place one of the Hosts under “Proxy Server”, according to your network provider.
  • Start the application.
  • When you launch the application click on “Tunnel Whole Device “tab.
  • Then click “I trust this application,” and press “OK”
  • Then the application- psiphon will connect to the network and server.
  • This is it. From now on enjoy high speed internet connection free of cost.

Some cons of Psiphon

  • Psiphon is compatible to Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Google chrome. More over Psiphon has its own browser.
  • It can be used in desktop computers and android mobile phones.
  • It offers very fast internet speed that too free of cost.
  • Psiphon allows to browse web content over a secure tunnel. So it is much secured.

Everyone will be happy if they are given the option to access internet free. Not only that Psiphon be used to connect to ban websites. This the best cons of this application. They are basically used in countries where freedom of expression is restricted.
