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Launching a webinar? Hook your viewers till the end.

Today, every marketer is behind a newly found fascination i.e. Webinars. Apparently, tons of course creators & a lot of brands are launching their webinars in order to upsell their courses.

If you have decided to launch your own webinar as well, this article is exactly what you need to cut through the noise & stand out.

Before I begin, let’s just clear once and for all, a webinar is a virtual version of a seminar. Like a seminar, it has a host, presentation & an audience.

Hence, in order to keep your audience on the edge of their seats throughout the webinar is to stop thinking in terms of “What should I present to them?”. Instead, focus on “What exactly my audience wants and needs. What would help them achieve their goals?”

Once you have that figured out and has an outline in mind, you just need an effective way to present it.

A typical webinar goes like this:

  • Beginning: An Inspirational story.
  • The meat or the body of the webinar. Includes videos & slides.
  • Q&A portion.
  • Your product pitch.

Okay! Now the question arises “If all the webinar presenters use the same template, how would I make them stand out?”.

You add elements from time to time which acts as hooks.

(Write what are hooks)

(Write how many % of people leave webinar midway)

Hooks are shocking or fun discoveries that drive curiosity in the minds of your audience. Consequently, they stay right till the end to feed that curiosity.

Also Read: How to record videos for your Online course at home

3 types of Elements or Hooks to include in your Webinar

Shocking Stats: We are wired in a way that hearing some shocking stats grab our attention and compel us to tune in.

(Use shocking stars here)


Be it a newspaper headline, website ad or a webinar, this thing remains true.

Shocking stats examples that make for powerful webinar hooks:

95% of all the businesses in (XYZ) industry make (This) mistake – don’t be one of them

This one simple hack will boost your productivity by 95%. Stay with me till the end to know that.

Did you know only 10% of (business owners) use (This) marketing trick & garner 5X profits?

(Use an adverb) Truths

Subconsciously, just using the words “the shocking truth about…” is enough to grab the attention of your viewers. However, you can use other attention-grabbing words to make your hook a bit more interesting.


  • The shocking truth about why (XYZ) people fail in their first year.
  • 5 secrets that guarantee success in your (XYZ thing).
  • The unbelievable power of using (XYZ) in your growth.

Compelling Facts

Use compelling facts in your webinar to play on the audience’s power of reason. A perfect compelling fact uses the combination of a number,  benefit, a problem & a specific timeframe.

Here are some examples:

  • Top 3 ways to wow your webinar audience and get them to pay you within next 3 promotions
  • 5 steps to get 1.3X more traffic in 30 days without using SEO.


Please note that you must claim your facts & stats with credible source & case studies. If your calimas are factual, backing them up will easily hook them.

The Webinar Structure That Works like a Charm:

We spoke about the elements that you must include in your webinar presentation. In this part, let’s talk about curating a structure. Not just any structure, but the one that really WORKS.

Beginning: Greeting and Gratitude

Whether your webinar is LIVE or pre-recorded don’t just dive right into it. Give your audience some positive vibes & start with a good spirit.

Greet them, be welcoming. Show them your gratitude for listening to you. Not to forget, your spirit sets the tone of your meeting. It’s a crucial part where they decide if they want to stay or leave.

Say “Thank You” in the beginning.

If you acknowledge their efforts in making time for your webinar, they will feel good from the moment they set foot into the webinar.

Here is what you can convey in a friendly tone:

“Hello, everybody! Sakshi this side. Welcome to the webinar, ‘Creating Successful Webinar Funnels.’ Thank you all so very much for spending some time with me today. I promise to deliver the 10X value to you”.

Give Them a General Idea of the Presentation

You want your attendees to have a clear idea of what to expect from the webinar. Include it in your webinar opening scripts.

If you plan on having a “Ask a Question” or Live Q&A activity, then make sure you convey it right through the start. Tell them about the BONUS that you will be providing by the end of the webinar. Let them know well in advance if you’re providing a recording of your webinar. Alert them about “being ready with a pen and notebook to make notes. This will give them a sense of direction rather than feeling lost.

Launch a Survey:

Keep an online poll & ask them to give you inputs through it. Asking people to respond to your questions would keep them engaged & the scope of leaving your webinar midway, out of the window. Ask them questions & insist on their participation.

“Hi, guys! If you agree with me, drop a BOOM in the comments.”

Make Them Stay:

Either it’s a perfect two-minute webinar or an hour-long one, you must give your spectators a compelling reason stay.

After the opening script, give a good backgrounder of your credentials. Talk about your qualifications with an emphasis on “Why you should listen to me?”.

Here’s a sample that you could take help from:

“Hi! I’m Sakshi Darpan. I have been a Linkedin marketing specialist for XYZ company for the past five years. Throughout my tenure I helped them grow their B2B sales by 1.2X every year, solely through Linkedin.  I have helped more than 50 professionals achieve the similar results for their businesses.”

Keep it Short and Sweet

There will be this temptation of adding everything you know in the webinar. You will think “I can surely share this for free. Let’s talk about it in my webinar.”.

But, there is only so much you can cover in 60 minutes or so. Plan out your webinar content in a way that it stays concise & informative. Keep it effective & understand that your viewers can’t know it all in a limited time.”

Rather, talk about the topics that you wish to touch, during your pitch, by the end of the webinar.

While creating a webinar script, allocate time to each section & stick to it. Going spontaneous is not necessarily good. You might end up rambling & confusing your viewers.

Remain Friendly:

Throughout the webinar, make it a point to be confident & amiable. Assure them it’s okay to be in a place where they currently are. Tell them you would try your best to solve their problem. And through all of this, stay friendly with your tone.

Talk as if they already feel connected to you. Especially when your presentation is technical or complicated, this works like magic.

A friendly tone can do more than you can ever imagine. It opens doors for further connection. Even if they don’t purchase what you are selling, they would go ahead and follow you online. In the meantime, pacing yourself would earn you some brownie points!

Closing Webinar Scripts:

You have hosted the webinar like a Queen & kept your viewers curious.

Now what?

Give them a Call to Action. A good webinar’s buildup should lead to a mind-blowing ending.

Hence, when you are done writing an enticing opening script, work on your closing script. If you wish to convert your viewers, give them a sneak peak of what your “Paid” thing will look like. Give them a launch offer. In the meantime, take questions from them and answer as many as possible.

Bonus Tips:

Practice makes you perfect. Whether you are a seasoned speaker, or have already sold to hundreds of people, prepare beforehand. Not just about your presentation but all the technical nuances. The process of conducting webinars should be seamless for both the parties. Do a practice run on your online course platform. If you are using online course platforms like Spayee, then you can use it for practice as well.

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This article gave you an overview of what an effective webinar looks like. Work on it.