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Before we go for the deep study about plastic injection molding manufacturer then it is important to know that what is what is all about plastic molding machine? You must know that injecting molding machine is also popular in the name of injection press.

It is machine that us used for manufacturing the plastic products. In this the injecting process is used for making the products.

There are two parts that this machine is consists of that is the injection unit and clamping unit.

Types of machines:

  1. Hydraulic
  2. Mechanical
  3. Electric

Operation of injection molding machine

The plastic that used for molding in this machine can mold the material very fast enough.

In this you have two position of the machine that is horizontal and vertical. It is the horizontal position that is the best to have the process fast.

There are ways to fasten the tools to the platens. There is hydraulic clamp or magnetic clamp that is used to hold up the tools.

It is up to the designer to choose the cold runner system or hot runner system in order to carry the plastic and fillers from the injection unit.

Plastics that are used and their benefits

  • ABS: It is a common thermoplastic that is having good resistance and toughness. You can have excellent appearance after being processed. The use of such plastic is in musical instruments, telecom devices, medical components and automotive.
  • Polypropylene: This is the thermoplastic that is used in wide number of applications.
    It is excellent moisture resistance, mold in hinge and good impact strength.
    The use can be in packaging, industrial components for fluid process, household goods and electric hardware.
  • POM: This plastic is stable with high stiffness and low friction. The benefits that you get from it are high tensile with toughness, solvent resistance, glossy molded surface and are able to replace die-cast metal components.
    The parts that are made from this plastic are used in automotive mechanical, household appliances, gears, seat belts and door handles.
  • Polycarbonate: It is good temperature resistance plastic. Thebenefits that you can get from this kind of plastic are high impact resistance, stability, chemical resistance and clarity.
    The parts that are made from this source of plastic are headlights of automotive, medical products, mechanical goods and consumer products.
  • PVC: It is having insulation properties, high hardness and good mechanical properties. The benefits of wide range of flexibility, stability, low cost and flame retardant are all in this type of plastic.

    It is sued in medical and healthcare, electronic wire covering and house hold items.
  • Nylon: It is very durable polymer material with good resistance. The capability of temperature 600degree to 700 degree for short term, excellent in chemical resistance and is tough.

    The parts or the products that are made from nylon are bearings, electric connector, consumer products, industrial products and automotive components.

The main components of injection molding machine in injection have screw motor drive, heaters, thermocouple, ring plunger and reciprocating screw barrel.

There are three main components in clamping unit that are mold, tie bars and clamping motor drive.

Preety Rani

Article is published on this site by Preety who is an employee at Tablet Hire which is ipad hire company in the United Kingdom.