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If you ask a student what they think about maths, normally answers will be boring, it’s too hard or we hate maths. With fun, every learnings can be made fun and interesting. Then why not maths? Introducing some of the fun ideas and games while teaching maths in a classroom can create a strong love and appreciation for this subject. So in this article, we will mention some easy ways in which you can make this boring subject interesting.

Show them the relevance

If you don’t see a purpose of what you are learning then you automatically get turned off. This happens with students also if they don’t see a purpose that why they are learning maths then they automatically will lose interest. So it’s important to constantly show them and make them realize that how maths is linked up with your daily lives. Make them understand that maths is there in the little things like buying groceries, using money, checking temperatures, etc.

Entice learners with games

Games have always been a fun and interesting way to learn. Sometimes while playing a game a student won’t even realize that he or she has learned the concept. You can also split your class into teams so that they get more competitive and it will ultimately help them to solve their problems. In today’s time thanks to the technology that there are many fun games that can be played for learning mathematics. There are also worksheets available. For example, if learning is for class 8th then you can use maths worksheets for cbse class 8.

Put screens to work for you

Students love devices. So make use of the devices to get your students to learn this subject. There are tons of apps and games that help reinforce and teach maths concepts. There are a wide variety of model test papers available on these devices and apps like cbse class 8 maths model paper which will help your child to access where he or she actually stands. Moreover, it’s scientifically proven too that a human mind catches visuals faster than physical learning.

Encouraging students

The lineage of mathematics fear must not continue anymore. This needs to end and this can be done by encouraging students to learn maths rather than scaring them off. Rather than saying I m never good at mathematics a parent or teacher should say it’s an interesting and scoring subject. You should encourage students to embrace the challenges and see the fun growing in their brains. Rather than asking your child to drill the subject you can ask them to practice the subject.

Get your students moving, thinking and participating

An interactive maths session is very important to make this subject interesting. A teacher shall get his students thinking and collaborating. If they will feel engaged then they will remain alert and don’t get bored. Give them time to move and think by themselves about the solution. It will develop their thinking abilities as well as foster their processing time.

Preety Rani

Article is published on this site by Preety who is an employee at Tablet Hire which is ipad hire company in the United Kingdom.