In a married life there can be some conflicts between the couple due to many reasons. Though every household deals with its share of conflicts but sometimes these small conflicts can lead to separation or divorce of the couple.
Due to this there are some things which the couple has to deal with. It is not necessary that every couple is destined to be together forever. Some issues can arise, leading to separation and divorce as said above.
The step after having thought about divorce or separation is very crucial and important for the couple as well their family like children, parents etc.
There can be disputes on child custody, finance etc. These disputes can be solved by mediation. Mediation is a better way to decide things legally by you and without going to court. There are many advantages of using mediation from providers like over court. It saves time, money, is private and confidential, less stressing etc.
Following are some of the issues and disputes that can be resolved by mediation:

- Who gets the child custody: Getting child custody is not a competition but it is a promise that the parent who is getting the custody will take care of the child. This cannot be decided by going to court but better by mediating. The parents can sit together to talk about this and decide whether who gets the custody or what is good for the child’s future.
- Dealing with financial disputes: The right division of all the assets and finance may be a job for the court but the couple knows that it is rather a responsibility. Division is not always the best way but sometimes it may be necessary that all things like debts, knowledge etc. should also be taken into consideration.
- Co-parenting: Co-parenting has its advantages and disadvantages. The best thing about this is that the children get to know both the parents and respect both the parents. There are no things like parent alienation is involved here. This cannot be decided by court because the court looks at things more objectively while the parents always know what is best for their children. Mediation can help the parents in understanding each other’s thoughts about the children and help in deciding the best for their children.
- Expenses on child’s education, maintenance etc.: Children are not a burden on the parents but the expenses on children’s education, schooling maintenance etc. are not easy to handle. These expenses might fall hard if only one parent is maintaining all expenses. Mediation can help you in deciding all the things about children’s future by sitting together.
Mediation produces better results than the court. The couple can always sit together in future if there is any type of problem with what’s been decided earlier.