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Consider these factors before choosing Tall Fescue Sod in Atlanta

By August 28, 2019No Comments

There are many regions around the world where growing grass is very difficult because the surface is uneven, full of rocks and pebbles, sand, snow and ice. There are some surfaces that are rich and anything can grow on it. But what will become others where it is difficult for growth?

Features of Tall Fescue Sod in Atlanta:

For the cooler regions, the Sod in Atlanta is a good match. You must be thinking as to how this sod can be the best? The features that are mentioned below will explain each and every point you didn’t understand. 

Adjustable in Humid Areas:

Although the grass is best suited for the cooler areas of the country it can well adjust in the moist and humid weather. But the hot and dry weather is the enemy of this grass. If you are living in the area where the climate is intensely dry and hot then you should consider any other type. 

Development is the Shade:

The cooler areas have very less sunlight because it is most of the time winter there. Shade is available most of the time, so if you are living in that area then tall fescue is the sod for you as it has the ability to grow in the shade perfectly. 

The Watering System:

This sod doesn’t do well in the summer season so it is best that you water it every day; to keep the sod well irrigated. But in the cool weather weekly watering is enough. The timing of the water is also important; water must be given between 1 to 5 pm. 

The use of Fertilizers:

Not much quantity of fertilizer is needed but the quality must be good. A good amount of 1 pound every 1000 feet is required to maintain the p.H. level in the soil. After 45 days is a set time during for applying the fertilizer.

Mowing the Grass:

No initial mowing is required as the sod has to reach the specific height. But once the grass reaches necessary tallness then mowing is done. At least the grass must be cut every 7 days but you can do it after 4 days also depending on the speed of the growth. 

There are many companies that sell this type of sod Atlanta Metro Sod is to mention one. The reason behind it is that people prefer to have a sod that can suit the climate in which they live.

Consider these Factors Before Choosing:

No matter which type of sod you select for the cool weather; it is crucial that you take into consideration a few points that must be looked into. These factors can change the decision making of the client. Remember to look at these points the day you decide to install sod instead of seed of grass.  

The Need for Maintenance:

The Tall Fescue is the one grass for cold reasons that need very less maintenance. In the cooler weather weekly, mowing and watering are required. But in the summer extra attention is given to the grass. It can tolerate heavy foot traffic and can easily repair itself.

The Color, Texture and Shade:

The color of the grass must be of dark green. But be careful that the whole sod that you have ordered must of the same color, shade and texture. If the slightest change means that either decomposition of sod has begun or it was not planted. 

Fight against Diseases:

If you think that the soil is free from all impurities when it is prepared for the installation; then you are mistaken. The team only removes small pebbles and rocks from the soil or adds fertilizer to make it able for the sod. Less weed grows around the area, the insects are not found on the leaves and it is protected from diseases. 

Tolerance to Hot weather:

If you are living in a hot weather city then it is not wise that you choose tall fescue. The maintenance will become difficult because it is not fit for the hot weather. So carefully select the grass according to the region you are living in.

Traffic Tolerance:

People might think that the low maintenance of this grass it can’t tolerate the heavy foot traffic. But the reality is that it is best for those lawns in which children are always ready to play, run and enjoy themselves.

Creation of Thatch:

If the thatch is not of good quality then many diseases and pests can develop there. A well grown grass will have very fewer problems in the roots as well as the upper layer of the sod grass. The choice of the seed, properly installing and the maintenance till the sod is fully developed is really important for a good thatch.

The tightness of the Sod Grass:

If the Tall Fescue Sod in Atlanta you are going to buy looks lose and not like actual grass then you should immediately cancel the order and go to another company which can provide the best sod grass for your lawn or garden.

Preety Rani

Article is published on this site by Preety who is an employee at Tablet Hire which is ipad hire company in the United Kingdom.