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Artificial intelligence or AI is a thought and enlargement of a computer system which is capable to complete tasks like speech recognition, decision making, and translation between languages which normally need human intelligence.

In computer science theory, AI is also known as machine intelligence because here recreation of human intelligence is done by machines.

Artificial intelligence generally considered by two main ways,

  • Weak Artificial intelligence: this is an artificial intelligence that generally focuses on some contracted or narrow task hence it also known as narrow artificial intelligence. Siri is the best example of weak AI as it works within a limited area. Weak AI simply works as per rules which are forced on it and not capable to break these rules.
  • Strong Artificial intelligence: In strong artificial intelligence, the machine performed any intellectual task just like a human being. It is also known as full AI. Example of strong AI is if we give any unknown task to this AI system, it is capable to find an exact solution without any human help. Strong artificial intelligence is mainly just a philosophy fairly than a real loom to creating AI.

In short, AI is a mechanism which is deliberate and develops in such a way that it behaves and thinks just like a human. Now-a-days artificial intelligence becomes a very important part of our day to day life.

Future Roles of AI in business:

  • As a financial analyst: as per research it found that AI would work as a financial analyst in the future.
  • Help desk: AI already used in online help centers. In the future, it would work as a voice-activated front.
  • It will be used for planning and self- organizing.

Artificial intelligence as a service (AlaaS):

Artificial intelligence service is an external service that provides artificial intelligence technology support. AI as a service permits companies as well as individuals to try out AI for different functions with lower risk and very less initial investment.

Advantages of Artificial intelligence:

  • More accurate as compared to humans, if instructed or coded properly.
  • They would have unbelievable speed and correctness.
  • They won’t be exaggerated by unfriendly environments, due to this quality they execute dangerous task easily.
  • Use for the repetitive and time-consuming task.
  • The main advantage of AI is that the machine does not need sleep or break, so it works continually without stopping.

Disadvantages of Artificial intelligence:

  • Due to high speed and accuracy, it creates unemployment in some particular sectors.
  • Very high cost, because the formation of smart technologies are very complex and very expensive and it always needs ongoing maintenance.
  • If the control of the system goes to the wrong hand, it may create dangerous problems.
  • AI execution time is very lengthy.

Generally, the main role of artificial intelligence companies is to increase the efficiency of business as well as reduce the initial investment cost and raise the revenue of the company. If you just beginning with AI technology your industry may achieve lots of benefits such as increase productivity, save time, avoid human-generated errors, optimizing business and many more.

So allowing AI for your company will definitely change your company’s operations. You just need to have an open-minded attitude with the acceptance of new opportunities. But always keep in mind artificial intelligence is an upcoming technology and it is changing very fast with unknown challenges.

Preety Rani

Article is published on this site by Preety who is an employee at Tablet Hire which is ipad hire company in the United Kingdom.