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Drum is quite possibly the primal music instrument of the very first music lovers or music instrument users of any kind. Because of the thumpy sounds produced while beating a drum with a beater or even the hands, it has been used for a variety of purposes including uses in alarming populous, signaling war attacks or even scaring off animals from attacking. Since the music capabilities of the traditional drum was realized, their use and contribution in the field of music has since been nothing less than revolutionary. In more recent times (and we are talking about decades here) there have been many variations of the traditional drums, all these changes however have been minor and only in the sense of shape and size, the basic principal has stayed the same where a person is required to beat the membrane held tightly at either or one end of the drum with a beater or bare hands depending on the version of the drum. One very famous version of the drum is the Irish Bodhran. The Bodhran is well known for its versatility and customizability. Some features of the Bodhran are below:

Usability in Various Music Genres

Historically the Bodhran has been most commonly used in Irish music, but music lovers in other genres have also adapted them to fit their needs and preferences. Because of its similarity to the Middle Eastern Tar it has been most commonly used in that part of the world other than the Irish tradition. Percussionists from all over Europe and the rest of the world have adopted this variation of the drum and even altered it slightly to fir their individual needs. The Bodhran over the years has grown its usability to great lengths and currently it is being used in many music genres like:

  • Classic Music
  • Contradance Music
  • Folk Music
  • Many forms of Rock Music
  • World Music
  • Stand up Performance Music
  • Wedding Music

Because of these enhanced usages of the instrument, the Irish Bodhran has gained popularity among many music lovers and has become an essential part of many music lover’s collection of instruments.

Music Output that can be Altered

Probably one of the best features of the Irish Bodhran is the ability to slightly change the quality of the sound they produce. There are certain levels of base and punch that can be controlled while playing the Bodhran with the help of the sticks attached at the back of them. The number of sticks and their angles contribute to the amount of punch of the lack there of in the music that is produced. Some Bodhran’s have square shaped formation of sticks and some can have straight parallel shape, and they might be different in numbers either to increase the punch or to reduce it depending on the music lover’s choices and preferences. All these variable music outputs can be utilized in different ways contributing all that more to the portfolio of the Irish Bodhran.

Easily Available in Ireland and Rest of the World

With the increased interest of music lovers in the instrument, the number of sellers and manufacturers also increased and made the availability of the instrument much more accessible for everyone. Music lovers can find Bodhran For Sale commonly at music stores in high streets and even it is not hard to Buy Bodhran Online as the competition on the internet is even more intensive because of the possibility of home deliveries. However when looking for Irish Bodhran For Sale, especially on the internet, the buyer has to look at many factors like the price, versions or even quality of the manufacture. This competition has also influenced the price of the instrument and these days it is easy to find Irish Bodhran For Sale for only a fraction of the price they used to cost some decades ago.

Lightweight Profile Enhancing Portability

The Irish Bodhran is a very compact percussion instrument, unlike the two sided cylindrical drum used in many parts it is far easy to carry around and utilized whenever or wherever required. Most Bodhran’s are about 18” in diameter with not a very sizeable body, which makes them compact and easy to carry. Modern sellers of the instrument also provide size matching even more compact carry bags for them, which makes carrying them around even more feasible. This combined with their lightweight profile makes them very easy to play as well as contribute to the portability of the instrument. It is not out of the ordinary to witness someone in a group or even solo practicing or playing the Bodhran in a public place or even a train station. This would not have been possible with the cylindrical heavier and bulkier drum.