Over the years, search engine optimization, or SEO for short, has acquired a questionable reputation. A handful of people have engaged in dishonest tactics that have defiled the rest of us.
SEO has never been and never will be an exact science. This has given rise to great debates about the best ways to increase traffic to a website. Some even wonder if this is necessary as the Internet continues to evolve and search engines frequently change their algorithms and ranking techniques.
In fact, you may even be wondering if “SEO services really works?” Or you may be wondering if there is “a way to improve your ranking on Google?”
The answer to these two questions is yes. In this article, we are going to see why it works, how it can be beneficial for any business, and discuss some mistakes to watch out for your website.
Search engine optimization is a set of methods that website owners can use to improve their ranking in search engines like Google, Bing or Yahoo. Often abbreviated as SEO, these methods can include things like targeting keywords, improving speed, improving usability on mobile, using the right tags, relevance of your texts and media content, etc. Engines, like Google, determine a website’s ranking by looking at factors on the page – that is, elements of your website that you can improve – and off-page factors, such as links. By improving both your page and off page factors, you can improve your ranking for the keywords that are most relevant to your business like Venetian Blinds. By using the best and most recent SEO practices , your business can improve in the ranking of search pages, which increases the chances that someone will click on your link when searching for your products, services or business sectors.
Think about your own habits when looking for something online. How many result pages do you click when you do a word search on Google – three? Of them ? Or too rarely on the first? The more your business appears in the search results at the top of the page, the more likely it is that someone will click on your page. We all have a short attention span, so the faster your website appears in the results, the more likely you are to attract the attention of internet users, who are trying to quickly find a solution to their problem, or an answer their question.
SEO is the best way to push your business to the top of the search engine ranking. Get the best SEO services which are reliable, efficient and inexpensive.
SEO is not an exact science. Best practices in terms of referencing evolve frequently because they are based on constantly evolving algorithms, implemented by search engines; to give the best results to Internet users. So, for example, if Google decided that it preferred websites with purple backgrounds to those with any other color, SEO best practices would have to change to match this setting. Google’s preferences are less random than favoring the color purple, of course, but you understand the metaphor. An accepted practice in SEO a few years ago may no longer work today, and this leads to the perception that SEO does not work: if you use outdated guidelines or practices, your site simply won’t well be classified.
SEO only works when you use current best practices. By doing so, Google and other search engines will increase the ranking of your website, which will lead to increased traffic and, therefore, conversions.
But when you do a bad optimization of your web pages, it doesn’t work. You will then have a false perception that SEO is ineffective.
A SEO campaign that uses old outdated best practices can prevent you from ranking higher than you are now. You may even find your search ranking plummeting, or – worst of all – that your website has been completely removed from search results.
Here are three major SEO errors that can harm your website:
Formerly common practice, this system requires a site to pay for links in an attempt to convince Google that it is an interesting site. Since the search engines favored sites with a lot of backlinks many years ago, it was easy to get around the system by buying links from other sites. However, Google prefers that links be earned and not purchased. Search engine algorithms no longer take any link into account when ranking sites – they can ignore links from spam websites , or even destroy your rankings because you have them. In addition, if you buy SEO backlinks service, you may receive a Google penalty, which completely removes your site from the results!
Instead of buying links, focus on earning them through quality, unique content over your competitors.You can take help from SEO backlinks service for better results
It is a way to fill your site with content, with minimal effort. In the past, webmasters used to create tons of pages on their website, which reused content from their site, or even content stolen from other sites. Because quantity mattered more than quality, it was easy to manipulate the rankings simply by creating a lot of pages. It no longer works. You should not focus on creating a large number of pages, but rather on creating original content that answers questions, fixes problems, and helps your visitors make decisions. This quality content can actually increase engagement rates with your website, which in turn can help improve your ranking.
In an attempt to rank their websites for each possible keyword, website owners used to engage in a practice known as ” Keyword stuffing “. This involved placing a large number of words in URLs, page titles, page content, and links. Although this tactic was very effective, Google understood and made ineffective keyword stuffing.
Whereas before Google was only looking for the right combination of keywords, today it is looking for relevance and good content. Search engine algorithms now only bring up sites that have all of these attributes (plus a few others, such as links).
Also, keep in mind that real people will be visiting your website and examining your URLs or the content of your pages. If you write content for the sole purpose of getting keywords on a page, you will disappoint your visitors. And the way they interact with your website can significantly affect your ranking. Many of these tactics lost the favor of site managers years ago. But there are others who are simply dishonest. This has led to distrust of SEO in general.
Companies or individuals who knowingly engage in dishonest SEO practices are deemed to use “Black Hat SEO”. This form of SEO is designed to speed things up, to get the results you want quickly. And it is frowned upon by the search engines.
Sites engaging in SEO Black Hat SEO will be punished. They can even receive penalties from Google, which are very difficult to recover and cause their site to be kept away from search engine results.
The Black hat SEO, and the dire consequences that come with it, is a big part of the reason many people think SEO doesn’t work. As in any industry, when you do something wrong, you pay the price. In this case, the price is lower or nonexistent positioning in the search engines!