The family mediator is the party that works with the family in dispute. The mediators try to solve the problems of family and they basically concentrate on future problems and not the past problems. The family mediator is an independent party which helps the parties to reach a common agreement.
The family mediator Warminster helps in reaching an agreement even before going to court. It is believed that a lot of things can be settled even before reaching court as well. This helps in reducing burden of court. Family mediation is less complex and takes lesser time. The family mediation process can be less disturbing as well. The role of family mediator is:

- Convener-The mediator is the convener; he starts the communication and invites both the parties for the settlement. He makes an effort to make them meet and commence an introductory meeting.
- Educator-The mediator also acts as an educator as he guides the parties about the process of mediation, conflict solving alternates, principles to be followed, court standards and research. The mediator educates them about everything that is new to them and tries to reach a common solution on which both the parties agree.
- Communicator-The mediator is the communicator in between; he makes sure that the points of both the parties are well heard and presented. He does not let interest of any party let down. He directly communicates to both of the parties and gets well adverse with their points. In discussion he makes sure that those points are discussed well.
- Translator-The mediator also acts as translator as he rephrases the communication so that the other party can understand it better. The mediator reframes the sentences in the way he thinks that the other party will understand.
- Questioner & Clarifier-The mediator also acts as advocate here as he keeps on questioning about the issues and clarifies with both the parties so that he gets well adverse with the whole scenario. The mediator asks all the questions so that there is no confusion in the end.
- Process Advisor-The mediator is also the process advisor as he suggests that what process is to follow. He can be full trusted on this and the process might include counsel discussions.
- Catalyst-The mediator helps parties to reach the common agreement by offering them different options that can be considered, stimulating new perspectives, considering reference points. In this way the mediator acts as catalyst as well.
- Record Keeper-The mediators also do the very important role that is keeping the record. He makes sure that he has track of all the necessary information that has been discussed and disclosed. He also has the reached agreement in written and he also assists the parties in implementing that agreement.
The mediator plays all the roles mentioned and it is important for him to play all the roles as leaving even one role will make him inefficient. So, it is very important to understand the role of mediator.